Frank Rosolino. THE. JOKER: . FRANK. ROSOLINOWhat happened in November 2. THERE ARE THOSE, the fine saxophonist Don. Menza among them, who long afterwards found it all but. November 2. 6, 1. By one of those bits of mental prestidigitation. We pushed the event into some closet.

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I. cannot to this day explain, and neither can the Van Nuys. I'll tell you, as. I told them, what I know.. Frank. Rosolino was among the best- loved men in jazz. One of. the finest trombone players in the history of the instrument. Italianate. lyricism, and rich invention. Frank was, very simply, a.

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In addition he had a wonderful spirit. He. was one of the funniest of men, with a wit that literally. He bubbled. Quincy Jones remembered. Japan with a group that included Frank and drummer. Grady Tate. "With those two," Quincy said. The band was always.

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Frank. 3 months before he died.. Frank. was one of a number- -Donald Byrd was another- -of.

Cass Tech in Detroit. Only the exceptional could even get into. Frank always had the air of a mischievous kid looking. Cass Tech. Giggling in that way of his, he would in later years recall.

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It was always a serious mistake. Frank. He was one of those. Like. everyone who knew him, I remember vividly the last times. I saw Frank. We were at Dick Gibson's party in Colorado. At one point he played with Carl Fontana. Bill Watrous, and the three- trombone music was. In another unforgettable set, Clark Terry.

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Frank did several scat- singing duets. They kept making.

I urged them to record. Frank was one. of the few people who could scat on the same bandstand with. Clark Terry.. The. Broadmoor. Hotel in Colorado Springs, noted for exciting scenery, dull. After the last performance at.

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Broadmoor, we all traveled by bus back to Dick Gibson's. Denver, Frank and the girl he was living with. Diane, were in the seat behind my wife and me.. We. did not know it at the time, but Frank's third wife, the. I do not know her motive. Watch Shoulder Arms Online Full Movie more.

Frank, in. the seat behind us, was talking about following her, killing. Were we hearing him correctly? Diane said, "Don't talk. Frank. Let's pray together.". That. evening in Denver there was a final informal party at Gibson's.

Frank seemed cheerful, making my wife and me doubt. She. and I leave early to get back to Los Angeles. So did Frank. who had a gig the next morning. We took a cab to the airport. Frank was as funny as always.

The conversation. We. were told at the airport that the flight would be boarding. My wife and Frank and I wandered around with little. Frank shattered the impersonal tedium that hangs. Part. of it was Frank's delivery. It has been said that a comic.

Frank. was both. He had a lazy low- key way of talking, the epitome. You never knew who Frank was. Or both. And he had a. Frank could even more humorously. He seemed to relish the. Having. exhausted the airport's opportunities for amusement, we. It had a U- shaped counter and.

The air was full of flies, drifting back and. We slid onto stools. A waitress about. Frank said in that unruffled- by- anything.

I'll have a bowl of those flies. With. unexpected sang- froid, the waitress tossed the ball right. We only serve them on Thursdays,". Then. I'll come back Thursday," Frank said, and we all laughed.

Finally. late, we were told that we could board the plane, a TWA. Chicago and Los Angeles. On the. plane, returning from an engagement, was, to our delighted.

Sarah Vaughan. Red Callender, the. We all sat together. The pilot's disembodied.

Los Angeles and the. Frank got funnier, Sass. Frank asked a pretty stewardess. She said it was against regulations.

But Frank soon had. Frank. said, "I have to be careful.

I wouldn't want her to. I might have to marry. At. last the plane took off. Sass wanted to sleep but Frank. Frank, stop. it!" Finally, shaking her head, she moved further back.

At. last weariness overcame him, and Frank too fell asleep. I. awoke in daylight to the sound of the pilot's voice telling. Los Angeles. I peered around the back of the seat ahead of me and saw. Frank was still asleep.

By this time in his life, his. And yet, asleep, he looked like. Cass Tech, trying to find a little action. I. shook his shoulder and said, "Frank, Wake up, we're. Frank Rosolino with Carl Fontana (photo. Dennis Dotson)I turned on the television that morning to watch the news. Then there was a voice saying, "The.

Frank Rosolino. took his own life last night." Police in the Van. Nuys division say that Frank Rosolino shot his. One of. the children is dead, the other is in critical condition. Frank Rosolino, who became nationally.

Gene Krupa and Stan. Showtime Full District 9 Online Free. Kenton. was.. "."No!".

I shouted, waking my wife. She asked what had happened. I told her. She burst into tears. We remembered his words. I. got up and, after staring at the floor for a while, telephoned. Van Nuys police and asked first for homicide.

Frank Rosolino. "case." After a while a man took up the telephone. I gave him mine and asked if he could. I had heard on the news.."Did. Yes. I did."."Then.

We're. just puzzled."."So. I," I said. "But not totally surprised.". I told him about the bus trip to Colorado.."Is. I. don't know," I said.

Although nowadays, you always. I told him what kind of person Frank. But even as I said it I questioned. I had realized there. Frank but had never dreamed that it was. And, as Roger Kellaway said later. When. somebody cracks four jokes a minute, we all should have.

The. conversation with the detective at last ended, as unsatisfying. In. the course of that day and the next I learned a little more. Diane (the girl Frank was living with) had wanted. Donte's to hear Bill Watrous. Donte's. is a nightclub in North Hollywood, a hangout for musicians.

Los Angeles where the best. Frank said. he wanted to stay home with his two boys: Jason.

Justin, nine.. I. Sergio. Mendes. They were full of laughter and energy and mischief. Frank. They were wonderfully handsome and happy little. Diane. went to Donte's with a visiting girlfriend. They. came home toward four o'clock in the morning and were sitting. Thinking the boys were awake, they. As they entered they heard.

Frank put into his brain. He was. still alive. I do not know and do not want to know the further. In any case, he soon died..

Frank. had gone to the bedroom where Jason and Justin. Justin. was dead. Jason was not. That night and long into. The. autopsy deepened the mystery. The coroner's report said.

Frank's system. Conte Candoli. A. service was organized or Frank's friends.

His two brothers. Russell and Gasper Rosolino, had flown out from Detroit. Frank and Justin back with them for burial.

I do. not remember the name of the funeral home, but I can see. A lot of us, including Don. Menza, Shelly Manne, and Conte and Pete Candoli. It seemed everyone in town was there.

I don't think any man ever had fewer enemies and more friends. Frank Rosolino. J. J. Johnson and Herb. Ellis came in together; I can still see their bleak.

Med Flory said, "Well, Frank sure took. Christmas for all of us.". Finally. because it seemed the thing to do, I wandered into the chapel. The two coffins were in the expected place at the front. Roger Kellaway and I walked apprehensively. The cosmeticians had done well. Beautiful little.

Justin truly did look as if were merely sleeping on the. Frank too looked asleep, as I had seen him. Los Angeles. Roger. Kellaway. Roger. Kellaway said something softly as he looked at Justin.

Later he told me it was a prayer. Then he looked down at. Frank and said, "You asshole," expressing the.

Frank.. I. couldn't face sitting through a service. What was there. to say? Roger and I headed for a nearby tavern and had a. Scotches. For, as Roger put it, "I've had. I've never had. one who killed his kid." He stared into his drink.

The bar was lit softly. The upholstery was red. He said. "You can make that decision for yourself, but you have. After a time. we went back to the chapel.

The service, which had been. Later. there as a wake at Don Menza's house in North Hollywood.

Menza and I talked for a while about Verdi. And about Frank.. Frank. had fought his share of the jazz wars. He had been through. He had even lived to see their likes.