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I am sure the Bear is guarding the streets with a Stoner and catching up on old stories with his Brother and Team Mate, Bill Machen. One of the swimming instructors.

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Purchase Chicago show tickets for Broadway hits, regional theater, and comedy shows. Find Chicago theater reviews and up-to-the-minute news. Question Answer; Name something you would wan't to run over with your lawnmower. Rocks, Animals, Poop, Hose, Toys, Sprinkler: Name a movie that has become a “cult.

Facebook Family Feud Answers, Cheat Lists, Results- Chart 6- 7. If you’re hit with a 6 or 7 or more answer Family Feud round than you will definitely want to reference the chart data here. We had to split up our data because the charts were getting to be so huge. But with your help, we’ll continue to update and keep the data fresh, relevant, and complete. Try out Family Feud on Facebook and use a little help from any of the charts below (see links in the tabs for 3, 4, and 5 answer Family Feud for Facebook game data).

Be responsible and don’t forget to check out our other games data like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire cheats, Are you Smarter Then A 5 grader cheats, etc. Have fun! FACEBOOK FAMILY FEUD GAME CHEAT CHARTFamily Feud – 3 Answers.

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Answers. 5 Answers. Answers. Scroll Down To Find THIS Chart Below The Tabs. Answers. Scroll Down To Find THIS Chart Below The Tabs. FAST MONEY ROUNDYou’ve Loaded The “6 to 7+ Answer” Chart!(To switch to another chart, click the image link on any tab above)RQuestion (6+ Answers Questions ONLY)Answer.

Answer. Answer. Answer. Answer. Answer. Answer. Tell Me The Age When Boys Stop Playing With Stuffed Animals (Numeric Only).

Tell Me The Most Number Of People That Could Squeeze Into A Telephone Booth (Numeric Only)5. At What Age Is It OK For A Child To Walk Home From School By Themselves? How Many Times A Mother Changes Newborns Diaper. How Many Pairs Of Pants Does The Average Man Own? At What Age Do People Usually Learn To Play Their First Musical Instrument? Tell Me The Age At Which Children Start Buying Their Parents Christmas Gifts. Tell Me How Much A Room At A Cheap Motel Costs.

Use Money Format $0. How Old Were You When You Had Your First Crush. At What Age Do People Stop Looking Forward To Birthdays? Tell Me How Many Times Most Men Get Their Haircut In A Year (Numeric Only)1. How Much Do You Expect To Spend If You’re Taking A Date Out For A Nice Dinner? Please Round To Nearest $1. In Minutes, How Long Is Your Commute To Work?

Tell Me How Much You’d Expect To Pay For A Bottle Of Wine At A Fancy Restaurant.$5. How Much Does The Average Supermodel Weigh? What Grade Were You In School When You Developed Your First Crush? Name Something A Teen Wouldn’t Be Able To Go Without For A Day. Cell Phone. 50. TV1. Snacks/Food. 11. Video Games. Computer. 5Listening To Music.

A Loan. 32. Name A Type Of Professional That You Seldom See Joking Around. Lawyer. 31. Doctor. Politician. 19. Judge. Teacher. 4Police. Accountant. 3Name Something You Do More Of When Someone’s Taking A Home Video Of You. Smile. 37. Laugh.

Talk. 16. Hide. 10. Wave. 5Pose/Show Off. Act Silly. 3Name Something You Always Forget If You Don’t Write It Down. Phone Numbers. Grocery Lists.

Appointments. Pay Bills. Peoples Names. Birthdays. Addresses. 2Real Or Fictional, Name A Famous Man With Long Hair. Jesus. 41. Fabio.

Samson. 11. Howard Stern. George Washington. Hercules. 7Albert Einstein.

Name Something You’D Hate For Your Date To Be Allergic To. Flowers. Perfume.

Me. Dinner. Chocolates. Kissing. Alcohol. Something You’D Hate For Your Date To Be Allergic To. Flowers. 26. Perfume/Cologne.

Me. 10. Dinner. 10. Chocolates. 10. Kissing.

Alcohol. 41. Name Something That Makes An Otherwise Average Person Seem Very Atrractive. Make Up. 26. Nice Haircut. Great Smile. 13. Personality. Clothes. 8Money. 7Alcohol. Name A Vehicle That You Can Hear Coming Before You See It.

Semi Truck. 33. Train. Motorcycle. 12. Police Car.

Ice Cream Truck. 6Bus. Ambulance. 3Name Something You Do Driving But Never On A Driver’s Test. Speed. Eat. Run Red Light. Not Buckling Up. Sing.

Cuss. Answer Cell Phone. Name A Food That Is Chocolate Covered. Strawberries. Nuts. Cherries. Ice Cream.

Raisins. Pretzels. Ants. Reason Someone Might Send You Flowers.

Birthday. Valentines Day. Anniversary. In Love. Sick. Funeral. Apology. Name Something Specific You Often Run Out Of Space To Write On.

Check. 26. Greeting Card. Post It Note. 16. Hand. 10. Envelope.

Notebook Page. 10. Application. 4What Would You Do In A Job Interview That Would Guarantee You Don’t Get The Job. Chew Gum/Candy. 28. Lie. 20. Pass Gas. Swear. 11. Smoke. Sleep. 5Arrive Late.

Name Something Kids Get Away With In Schools Today, That They Wouldn’t Have 5. Years Ago. Talking Back.

Swearing. 26. Cheating. Chewing Gum. 10. Use Cell Phone. Skipping Class. 4Arriving Late. Name A Souvenir People Collect That Has A City’s Name On It. Spoon. 20. Shirt. Key Chain. 18. Coffee Cups.

Glasses. 10. Plates. Ashtray. 8Real Occupation A Kid Might Idolize Like Superhero. Fireman. Doctor. Police.

Singer. Athlete. Pilot. Astronaut. Name A Us City On The Ocean. Miami. San Francisco. New York City. Los Angeles. San Diego. Boston.

Atlantic City. Name A Celebrity From Decades Ago, Who’s Still Thought Of As A Style Icon. Marilyn Monroe. 32.

Elvis Presley. 31. Twiggy. 8Elizabeth Taylor. James Dean. 6Jackie O5. Audrey Hepburn. 31. Name A Country That Is Known For Their Beer. Germany. 25. Ireland.

USA1. 7Canada. 14. England. 9Mexico. Australia. 6Name Something You Might Find In A Hospital. Doctors. Beds. Nurses. Patients. Needles.

Drugs. Babies. Name A Reason Why A Man Might Seem Too Immature To Date. Younger Man. 35. Lives With Parents. No Job. 17. No Car. Goofs Around. 8No Money. Baby Face. 4Name Something A Police Officer Needs A Lot Of. Patience. Bullets. Courage. Donuts. Citations.

Coffee. Back Up. 1Name Something You Try To Get Rid Of That Always Seems To Come Back. Pimple. 26. Men. 18. Bugs. 16. Cold. 12.

Boomerang. 10. Bad Headache. Bad Habit. 61. Unlike “Honey Bun”, Name A Breakfast Food That Doesn’t Make A Good Pet Name.

Cereal. 27. Eggs. Bacon. 15. Toast. Pancake. 10. Donut. Bagel. 5Name A Sport Shaquille O’Neal Look Ridiculous Competing In. Horse Racing. Hockey.

Tennis. Ice Skating. Volleyball. Baseball. Ballet. After Getting All Dressed Up, Date Is Taking You. Fast Food. Movie.

Beach. Park. Zoo. Bowling. Bar. Name Something A Department Store Might Sell Out On A Hot Day. Water. Shorts. Sunscreen. Tank Tops. Fans. Air Conditioners. Bathing Suits. Name Something You Would Do If You Were A Supermodel.

Diet. Exercise. Smile. Walk. Travel. Wear Makeup.

Be Photographed. 1Other Than A Bar, Name A Place Where It’s Common To Get Hit On. Work/School. 33. Party. Shopping Center. 13. Gym. 12. Church. 10. Park. 7Beach. 61.

Name An Animal With A Terrifying Bite. Snake. 23. Dog. 18. Shark. 18. Lion. 17. Tiger. 11. Alligator. Bear. 5Name An Animal That You See On A Motivational Poster. Dog. Lion. Cat. Monkey. Tiger. Eagle. Bear.

Name Something People Try To Get Out Of. Work. Jury Duty. Trouble. Traffic Ticket. Jail. Debt. Bed. Name Something A Family Uses In Their Home A Robot Family Wouldn’t Need. Food. 30. Television. Bathroom. 8Dishwasher. Microwave. 8Drinks.

Bed. 6Name an Article Of Clothing Worn By Both Men And Women. Jeans. Jacket. T Shirt.

Hat. Pants. Earrings. Belts. If You Lived On Sesame Street, Which Character Would Get On Your Nerves? Big Bird. 41. Elmo. Oscar. 15. Cookie Monster. Ernie. 4Grover. 3Bert. Name Something Kid Takes If Planning To Run Away. Clothes. Food. Money.

Bedding. Toys. Backpack. Bike. If You Live In A City, Name Ways To Get To Work. Bus. Subway. Taxi. Car. Train. Walk. Bike. Why Might Someone’s Phone Number Be Unlisted? Privacy. 35. Famous.

Avoid Telemarketers. Occupation. 11. Getting Prank Calls. Just Moved. 5Bill Collectors. Name A Reason Why Someone Might Not Want Their Phone Number listed In The Phone Book. Privacy. 38. Prank Calls. Stalker. 13. Telemarketers.

Ex. 6They’re Famous. Bill Collectors. 4Name Famous Gospel Singer. Elvis. Mahalia Jackson. Amy Grant. Aretha Franklin. Yolanda Adams. Kirk Franklin. Bill Gaither. Tell Me A Persons First Name Could Be Man Or Woman. Chris. Terry. Pat.

Sam. Sean. Alex. Billy. Name Something You Might Take On African Safari. Gun. Water. Bug Spray.

Shorts. Camera. Sunglasses. Binoculars. Name Something You Might Find On Top Of A Tall Office Building. Antenna. 23. Satellite Dish.

Flag. 19. Helipad. Lightning Rod. 8Roof. Bird. 5Tell Me Something You Did In High School Still Do At Work. Sleep. Cheat. Gossip. Smoke. Flirt. Daydream.

Chicago Shows and Theater Ticketshttp: //www. Leagues Under the Sea.

When a terrifying sea monster is spotted off the coast, renowned scientist Professor Aronnax and fellow explorers set out to investigate. They soon find themselves kidnapped and held under the command, and spell, of the mysterious Captain Nemo. As they circle the globe aboard the most advanced submarine the world has never seen, they confront giant squids, bizarre sea creatures, and the monsters that lurk below…and within. Adapted from Jules Verne's epic adventure exploring the murky perils of the seas, ensemble member David Kersnar invites you to board the Nautilus and "dive! Lookingglass world premiere. Leagues Under the Sea. Lookingglass Theatre.

Lookingglass Theatrehttp: //www. Opens May 2. 3, 2. Buy ticketshttp: //www. Songs in 6. 0 Minutes.

A small ensemble of musicians and artists creates a collage of sound and noise, using anything they can find to write and perform 6. This is the Neo- Futurists' latest experiment in new modes of extreme performance, created and performed by ensemble member Nick Hart and featuring musicians Emma Hospelhorn, Andrew Tham, and Gwen Tulin. Songs in 6. 0 Minutes.

Neo- Futurarium. Neo- Futurariumhttp: //www. Opens Dec 1. 4, 2. Buy ticketshttp: //www. Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater brings six breathtaking performances to the Auditorium Theatre, which has been the company's Chicago home for nearly half a century. Led by artistic director Robert Battle, Ailey "has created a unique and enduring bond with its audiences" (Chicago Sun- Times) that it strengthens every year with relevant, inspiring new works. Each performance closes with Alvin Ailey's signature work Revelations, the most widely seen modern dance work in the world that has been called a "masterpiece" by the New York Times.

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. Opens Mar 7, 2. 01. Buy ticketshttp: //www. Arnie the Doughnut.

Arnie, a lovable chocolate- frosted, rainbow- sprinkled doughnut, is the happiest pastry in the bakery when he's chosen to be taken home by a new owner. But when mild- mannered Mr. Bing tries to eat the unsuspecting Arnie, both are in for the surprise of their lives. Man and doughnut are drawn into a sugar- fueled existential crisis as they work to redefine their relationship while trying to outwit the meddlesome president of the Cozy Confines Condo Community. Join Arnie on a zany quest to prove that he's more than just delicious — and that friends come in all shapes and sizes — in this hit musical adaptation of the 2. Laurie Keller. This production is recommended for children ages five and up (children under two not permitted).

Arnie the Doughnut. Lifeline Theatre. Lifeline Theatrehttp: //www. Closes Nov 2. 6, 2. Buy ticketshttp: //www. The Audience. The Audience is a portrait of a dynamic and provocative woman — also the symbol of a nation — as she weathers decades of history and political strife.

Every Tuesday afternoon for more than 6. Queen Elizabeth II has met with her prime ministers in a private audience, a gesture of unity between government and Crown. Through times of tension, negotiation, war, and unrest, these conversations with political leaders from Winston Churchill to Harold Wilson to Margaret Thatcher have remained a constant. Playwright Peter Morgan reimagines these meetings, giving audience members a glimpse of the queen's role in guiding the circumstances that have shaped the United Kingdom and a window into the mystery, compassion, and humor of the woman behind the iconic crown. Audience. Time. Line Theatre. Time. Line Theatrehttp: //www. Closing Soon Nov 1.

Buy ticketshttp: //www. Augusta and Noble. Meet young Gabi Castillo from West Town Chicago. Gabi ventures across town to attend Northside College Prep where she encounters new cultures, classmates, and opportunities. Through a class project, Gabi delves into the mystery behind her family's migration from Mexico to the United States.

Join us for this tale of courage and self- discovery told through dreams of both future and past. Augusta and Noble. Merle Reskin Theatre. Merle Reskin Theatrehttp: //www. Closing Soon Nov 1. Buy ticketshttp: //www. Ballet Nacional de Cuba — Don Quixote.

Ballet Nacional de Cuba returns to Chicago for the first time in 1. Alicia Alonso's Don Quixote, putting a distinctly Cuban spin on the classic story ballet. Loosely based on the story by Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote has been heralded as an "unforgettable" production (Los Angeles Times) that will make you "fall in love with ballet all over again" (Washington Post). Ballet Nacional de Cuba — Don Quixote.

Opens May 1. 8, 2. Buy ticketshttp: //www. The Beatrix Potter Holiday Tea Party. Children of all ages are cordially invited to enjoy a spot of tea (or hot cocoa) with CCT's friends from the English Lake District at The Beatrix Potter Holiday Tea Party. Spend the day with Peter Rabbit, Mr. Jeremy Fisher, and Simpkin the cat as they delight audiences in this interactive trunk and puppet show.

Enjoy an elegant tea party, create your own puppets and mini- puppet show, and pose for photographs with the cast. Beatrix Potter Holiday Tea Party.

Opens Dec 2, 2. 01. Watch The Late Bloomer Full Movie. Buy ticketshttp: //www.

Beautiful: The Carole King Musical. All fans of Carole King and great musical theater, we have the perfect show for you. The Cadillac Palace Theatre is proud to present Beautiful, the story of the life of the iconic songwriter and her gradual progression to stardom. Warm, heartfelt, and genuine, with, of course, an incredible score featuring songs by the great Carole King herself, this is a performance that will stay with you long after the curtains have closed.

Beautiful: The Carole King Musical. Cadillac Palace Theatre.

Cadillac Palace Theatrehttp: //www. Opens Dec 5, 2. 01. Buy ticketshttp: //www.

Best of 2. 01. 7: The Infinite Wrench. The Neo- Futurists have written over 3. Now they'll take the first two weekends of December to share their favorite plays of 2. The Infinite Wrench. Featuring an extraordinary- sized troupe and a carefully curated selection of the funniest, strangest, and most wrenching plays from 2.

Neo- Futurist review of the year's popular phenomenon, political nightmares, and personal crises. Best of 2. 01. 7: The Infinite Wrench.

Neo- Futurarium. Neo- Futurariumhttp: //www. Opens Dec 1, 2. 01. Buy ticketshttp: //www. Billy Elliot the Musical.

Billy Elliot the Musical is based on the 2. Billy Elliot and features music by Elton John with book and lyrics by the film's screenplay writer, Lee Hall. Winner of both the Tony Award and Olivier Award for Best Musical, Billy Elliot the Musical is an inspirational story set in an English mining town during the miners' strike of 1. Billy Elliot takes a journey from the boxing ring to a ballet class to make his dreams come true while challenging the long- held beliefs of his hometown. Along the way, he discovers a passion for dance that unites his family, inspires his community, and changes his life forever.

Billy Elliot the Musical. Closes Nov 2. 6, 2. Buy ticketshttp: //www. Blind Date. Blind Date is a backstage glimpse of one of the 2.

In an era before Twitter and e. Harmony, two of history's oddest couples seek to thaw the seemingly intractable relationship between the United States and Soviet Russia. Despite their advisors' efforts to keep them on track, Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev eschew conventional protocols to discuss pop culture and old movies — while their wives mirror their husbands' negotiations in a passive- aggressive tango over tea and fashion choices. Blind Date is a compelling and edgy comic journey through the intricacies of statesmanship.

Blind Date. Goodman Theatre. Goodman Theatrehttp: //www. Previews Jan 2. 0, 2. Buy ticketshttp: //www. BLKSSome days feel like they will never end.

After a morning that includes a cancer scare and kicking her girlfriend out of the house, Octavia decides to have a last turn up with her best friends.