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Inalienable Full Movie Part 1

Why Hate the Koch Brothers? Part 1)Charles Koch, CEO of Koch Industries. Photo: Koch Industries)Our latest Freakonomics Radio episode is called “Why Hate the Koch Brothers?

Part 1).” (You can subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcasts or elsewhere, get the RSS feed, or listen via the media player above.)Charles Koch, the mega- billionaire CEO of Koch Industries and half of the infamous political machine, sees himself as a classical liberal. So why do most Democrats hate him so much?

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In a rare series of interviews, he explains his political awakening, his management philosophy and why he supports legislation that goes against his self- interest. Below is a transcript of the episopde, modified for your reading pleasure. For more information on the people and ideas in the episode, see the links at the bottom of this post. *      *      *If I asked you to name a very famous, generally down- to- earth Midwestern billionaire — that’s easy, right? Clip from the University of Georgia: Would you please give a very warm welcome to the oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett. No, not that famous Midwestern billionaire. This one: Charles KOCH: My name is Charles Koch and I’m chairman and CEO of Koch Industries.

Our latest Freakonomics Radio episode is called “Why Hate the Koch Brothers? (Part 2).” (You can find part 1 here, and subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcasts. If you are a teacher searching for educational material, please visit PBS LearningMedia for a wide range of free digital resources spanning preschool through 12th grade.

Inalienable Full Movie Part 1

He’s also one- half of the controversial entity known as the Koch brothers: Harry REID in a clip from his site: The Koch brothers are trying to buy America. Bernie SANDERS in a clip from The Reid Report: They are, the Koch brothers, helping to lead the war against working families in this country. He must have seen this coming, right? KOCH: Look, I knew it would be nasty and unpleasant. I didn’t know it would be this dishonest.

Charles Koch isn’t much of a media fixture. Watch The Local Stigmatic Online Full Movie on this page. But over the course of several weeks, he sat down with Freakonomics Radio for a series of conversations. He discussed what his critics say about him…KOCH: Most of the facts that I’m familiar with are wrong. How he first came to see modern politics as corrupt…KOCH: My first real brush with this was in 1.

Nixon was campaigning. And why he’s so worried about America’s future: KOCH: We’re increasingly headed, under both Republicans and Democrats, toward a system of control, dependency, cronyism, pitting individuals and groups against each other and destroying opportunity and progress. He talked about the political issues of the day: KOCH: I would let anybody in who will make the country better, and no one who will make it worse. That would be the same of people who are here illegally… I’m not in favor of people doing drugs.

On the other hand, extreme criminalization hasn’t worked . Obviously, if the temperature continues to go up, at some point it can be harmful or are even very harmful. We ask the questions we know you’re thinking …Stephen J. DUBNER: Now the public line on you is that, “Everything that Charles Koch or the Koch Brothers advocate societally or politically is just an effort to protect or extend their business interests.” Make your best case how and why that’s not so. KOCH: We opposed extenders, the tax bill, which are tax exemptions. And we make a lot of money from those.

We opposed this border- adjustment fee that would make us over a billion dollars a year. Do you want me to go on? We hear praise from some unlikely quarters: President Barack OBAMA in a clip from the White House: You’ve got the N. A. A. C. P. and the Koch brothers. No, you’ve got to give them credit. You got to call it like you see it. And: we get to what kind of person Charles Koch really is: DUBNER: I have to say — and I say this with the utmost respect — you’re a total nerd, aren’t you?

KOCH: No! What? I’m a fun- loving guy. I was a rugby player.

You kidding me?*      *      *Charles Koch lives in Wichita, Kansas, which is where he grew up. He’s got a wife of many years and two grown kids — a daughter who’s a writer and book publisher; and a son, in Wichita, who is president of Koch Agronomics Services. Charles Koch was born in 1. His brother David lives in New York; he’s also involved in Koch Industries, though less so than Charles; and he’s the other half of the so- called Koch Brothers political- funding machine. The othertwo brothers aren’t involved in either politics or Koch Industries — a reflection of decades of legal combat.

If you like really nasty family feuds that last for decades and involve billion- dollar settlements, you might want to read a book called Sons of Wichita: How the Koch Brothers Became America’s Most Powerful and Private Dynasty. Koch Industries today, meanwhile, is the second- largest private firm in the U. S., after Cargill. It was started by Charles Koch’s father, as an oil and engineering firm. Now it’s one of the biggest industrial conglomerates in the world, with 1. It deals in everything from chemicals and electronics to paper products and textiles. Some of its best- known brands: Georgia Pacific, Lycra and Stainmaster carpeting.

Its annual revenues are estimated at about $1. Charles and David Koch are estimated to be worth nearly $5. Charles, in case you’re wondering, has no interest in retiring. KOCH: If I did that I’d be dead in six months. DUBNER: Briefly tell me what you actually do in a given day. KOCH: Well, I get to work at 7 or a little before.

I meet with customers, with employees. I go over projects, opportunities, and problems. I gather information from all different sources. I’m very strong on driving innovation, creative destruction and making sure we have a learning organization and an innovative one. Koch Industries has been a gargantuan business success. But that’s not what made Charles Koch famous.

That happened much more recently, when he intensified his funding of political and social causes, and political campaigns. Because he has funded almost exclusively Republican candidates, and causes typically associated with Republicans, he is — at least in the eyes of most Democrats — an obvious enemy, a George Soros of the right. But he and his brother David have become more than just an enemy; they’re seen as a bête noire, plying the radical right with so- called “dark money” — that, in fact, is the name of the journalist Jane Mayer’s exposé on the Koch brothers. Jane MAYER in a clip from Democracy Now!: They’ve gathered around them a group of 4. American conservatives. And it’s given them the equivalent of a private plutocratic political party.

So let’s try to untangle the rhetoric and the reality. And try to figure out if Charles Koch’s views are as doctrinaire as they’re sometimes portrayed or perhaps a bit more nuanced. To understand his views — on politics and society and business — it probably helps to understand where they come from. Starting with … his father. Fred Koch had studied engineering at M. I. T. …KOCH: And he was tough. He was Dutch and his favorite saying was, “You can tell the Dutch, but you can’t tell him much.”In the 1.

Fred Koch had a small oil- refining firm that he was trying to grow into a big one. He aggressively challenged the industry leader — which, in turn, sued Koch for copying its technology. Eventually, he would lose in court. In the meantime, he looked for business overseas — and made his first millions building oil- refining facilities in Stalin’s Soviet Union.

Which he hated — the statism and collectivism, the cronyism and corruption. What I saw in Russia,” Fred Koch later wrote, “convinced me that communism was the most evil force the world has ever seen and I must do everything in my power to fight it.” Back home, he helped start the John Birch Society, which took anti- communism to the point of nativism and racism.[MUSIC: “Policia At My Front Door”]Koch also learned that the lawsuit he lost had been rigged: the opponent bought off a judge. From this one pair of events in Fred Koch’s life — getting shut down by a crooked competitor and working under the direction of a communist dictator — you can see the entire blueprint for Charles Koch’s view of the world.

The enemies: cronyism, special interests and intrusive government.

Products that Use Aborted Fetal Tissue: Pepsi, Kraft, Nestle and More. THE UNBORN BILL OF RIGHTS. May 1. 0, 2. 01. 4 at 9: 4. THE UNBORN BILL OF RIGHTSPursuant to the agrieved and laboriously tainted nature of man, woman, and child, home, family, structure and the collapse and demise of all the above and aforementioned, the life and lives lost to the acrimonious nature of the beast which has devoured them in such the heinous and insidious manner (s). And their reasonings, fear and scare tactics, with or without technological nor biological research and development unto a waiting mass of living beings. For the auspices of the governing powers of the one and only almighty God upon His throne, supreme judge, jury, and executioner of all mankind and unto Him be the glory, honor, blessing, praise, power and might in all sorted areas of this life we ” the living” live within and around knows to us only as our souls for this existence. Unto the unknown myriads of souls lost and thier perspective families, offspring, and many generations which assuredly would have come.

I/WE THE PEOPLE OF THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DO SO OFFER THESE BILL OF RIGHTS OF AND TO THE UNBORN CHILD TO: A) Hope for forgiveness of our sin and of this great Nation founded in the oracles of God in whom we trust and using His name respectfully and most grievously, yet humbly offer our most sincere apologies for our transgressions and iniquities B) Offer hope and renewed trust in the souls, spirits, and lives of those whom are yet to come. C) Offer and insist upon a renewed way of thinking about ad for life at its inception and that all other preponderance of evidence contrary and adverse to the or any negativities at or upon be abhorred and scrutinized to their utter destruction should this evil ever show its horrid face again. D) To enlist the utmost assistance in the training and retaining of those affected by its enormity and impact in the American way of life.

E) To hold those who or whom were in charge of the safe keeping of those lost under strict compliance of these rights. F) To the non- comformable holding blatant disregard to and for the validity of said rights regardless of these United States of America and in all 5. THE UNBORN BILL OF RIGHTS: The life expectancy of the unborn child from its inception and conception, unto its complete life cycle within the womb of its birth mother shall be allowed all rights to live, prosper, and grow at its own pace and at the time of birth be allowed to live a full and productive life as pursuant to the governing laws and statutes as set forth in the constitution of the United States of America. These rights are and shall from henceforth forever be irrevocable nor tainted in any mannor or manor halted, substituted, molested nor harrassed by any agent, agency, litigation, judicial prejudice, pronderance, nor opinion of any nor all judges/justices/magistrates/nor commissioners. THE UNBORN FROM NOW UNTO FOREVER MAY ENJOY AND UNTILIZE THE FOLLOWING: 1) Have the right to thier full term gestation period without reprisal, interruption, nor termination, unless the expectant mother of said child is under agae of 1. Have unwritable statute given to annul nor change item one above, no power, presiding president nor his or her successor, nor precedent, nor judical enactments, nor congressional interveinings/harrassments, molestings nor enharborments, may ever alter, abuse, change, misuse, misinterpret, nor attest to any and all promtings to a negative of item one above 3) Have the inherent and inalienable righ.

Age 1. 6 years and above to mature to a ” live birth” and prominent providence of life, to wit: abandonment option may be induced and the abortion proceedings nor proceedures may not be incorporated nor enforced for the live infant child. Have the inalienable right to gestate, grow, and prosper in the womb of the statute mother through Fruition and completion of ” live birth” - uninterrupted, with strict adherence to limited medical intervention nor interruption as to limited medical intervention nor interruption as to improve the health and life and livelihood of said child, the unborns freedom of right to continue to ” live birth”5) Have the inalienable right to prosper and to live unto the ” live birthing” from the statute mothers womb, alive and well, breathing on its own unencumbered by any and all outside entities et al, bar- none. Have the inalienable right to prosper to live birth within the statute mothers womb/matrix free of all illict, legal, illegal, immoral, amoral drugs, hallucinogenics, amphetamines, opiates, carcinogen ( inclusive) including but not limited to: A) Alcoholic beverages: beers, wines, whiskies, bourbons, gins, tequila (s) fabricated sports enhancing substances in any and all fashionings and/or concoctions/potions. B) Illicit drugs and controlled substances as pursuant to the drug enforcement agency of the United States of America and the food and drug administration, including {but not limited to- “r- u. C) Illegal drugs as described within the drug enforcement agency and food and drug administrations listings of controlled and or illicit drugs/ substances: marijuana/hemp, lsd, mda, mescaline, stp, pcp, morphine, cocaine, nor any others to numberable to mention yet et al and barring none from said list or listings.

D) Any and all mind/mood altering drugs, additives, sedatives. E) Muscle relaxers and pain medications.

F) Any and all inhalants including but not limited to gasoline, glues, paint, hairsprays, nor any products which may create or cause any type of euphoria state of mindset or illness. G) Suicidal mothers and homicidal fathers, friends, family members ( of any and all forms, persons, places things, and entities. H) Know service providers available at this present time and those which may come, in any guise and /or form shall strictly adhere to these statute of right unto the unborn child regardless of name, caliber, devices, nor fraudulence, provide for the unborn child the safest of havens due them by thier god given right to live and survive without impendance , retardation, nor encumbered. I) This unborn child from now unto forever more know collectively as John or Jane Doe at al, shall be treated with the uttermost care and concern unto the greatness of fine gold in all areas and usage of the word and definition of ” life” J) Unto the fosteriong of said child.

If unwanted or Abandoned by any and/or all biological family, friends, or entities said child shall become ward of the state of birth with all endowmment accredited and due him or her untill adoption or age 2. K) From this day forth, all educational efforts to preemtive training and instruction shall exceed current learning levels start in and at school age level 6 nationwide including life skills unlimited and inclusive for proper and better than adequate training and deterrent, all male and female. L) The upgrading of all existing adults persons levels of understanding this and these rights of and to the unborn. M) The degrading and demise of existing abortion techniques, principles, training, actions activitities, clinics for procedures and procurements, thier doctors, interns, nurses, any and all staffers, providers, legal assistance and assistants and properties. To cease and desist, disband, disqualify, and disbarred. N) Licenses and licensing shall cease as well untill properly identified by the public good and the life and livelihood of said unborn child and children. O) Insurerers of any and all now presently known providers shall halt, cease, and desist, revoke and cancel any and all presently insured of and for any and all reasons stated within the confines of the insured’s statement of place, business, services provided, or renderings of same until otherwise notably recongnized.

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